Engine Type: 169CC,Air cooled, 4-stroke, cylinder,automatic
Start Type: Electric start
Battery: 12V/4Ah
Transmission: Chain Drive
G.W.(Lbs.): 374
Engine Gear: Fully Auto with reverse
N.W.(lbs): 330
Shift Gear: Hand Shift
Max Loading(lbs): 165
Max Torque: 7.5N.m/5000-5500r/min
Overall Size(inch): 62x44.5x43.3
Wheelbase(inch): 43.52
Carton Size(inch): 59x32.50x31
Ignition: CDI
Seat Height(inch): 4
Fuel Capacity(L): 4.2
Ground Clearance(inch): 12
Front Hand Brake: Drum
Rear Foot Brake: Hydraulic Disc
Tire Front: 21x7-10
Tire Rear: 20x10-10
Suspension Front(inch): 13.4
Suspension Rear(inch): 14.2
**The images shown are for illustration purposes only and may not be an exact representation of the product.