Jeep 125GK-A
Engine Type: 125CC Single cylinder, 4-stroke, air-cooled - FRONT ENGINE
Max Torque: 8.0N.m/5,500r/min (N.m/r/min)±500
Max Horsepower: 5.7kW/7,500r/min±500
Bore Stroke: 56.5 x49.5mm
Ignition: CDI
Starting System: Electric
Battery: 12V, 5Ah
Clutch: Semi-Automatic
Transmission: Chain, Foot
Brakes Front/Rear: Hub/hydraulic disc
Tires Front/Rear: 18 x 7.00 - 8 / 18 x 7.00 - 8 (Both 4-10 PSI)
Fuel Capacity/Oil Type: 90#/4L (10L with extra tank)
Weight: G.W./N.W :206KG /167KG
Wheelbase: 1180mm
Dimensions: 2020x1125x1170 mm
Height to Seat: 605mm
Min. Ground Clearance: 90mm
Special features Include: windshield, spare tire, gas can, Chrome Aluminum Rims